Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Birth Story: Navi Joon

May 30, 2012

That night before bed I told Andrew I really wanted to have the baby tomorrow so I would not have to go to my wards baby shower for me.  I do not know anyone in my ward that well so I felt like it would be super awkward.  My prayers were answered.  Woop!

May 31 to June 1, 2012

I woke up at 10 am in the morning, best part about not having a job, and went to the bathroom.  I noticed that my garments were wet and I had a slight heart attack.  I was not totally sure if my water had broken because I always heard that it was a ton of fluid and “you would know when it happens.”  So I decided to call my sexy nurse of a husband and tell him what was going on.  He did not believe me and made me smell it to make sure it was not pee.  So I did.  And it definitely was not. I decided to call the hospital and tell them what was going on.  They said that it sounded like it had broken but to come up and they would check. 

So I got in the shower and was totally overwhelmed with emotion. It was a combination of feelings…I was anxious, excited, scared, and my adrenaline had totally kicked in.  I just started crying and praying to my Heavenly Father how grateful I was to be having a baby and to comfort me throughout the process.  Needless to say, it was one meaningful shower.  Right when I got out of the shower and started to dry off that BIG gush of fluid came pouring down, and I knew for sure this time that my water had broken!  I just kept saying, “what the heck? what the heck?” I had no control.  Sooo I called Andrew back at work and told him that it was for real and he needed to start making his way home.  Then I called my Mom, Shay, and Shelly for the second time and told them it was for real.  Everyone freaked.  I figured since I was not having contractions that I would just take my time getting to ready while I waited for Andrew.  I really was grateful that I had that time to myself.  I was able to calm down and really reflect what was about to happen.  I felt a feeling of peace and enjoyed my last moments of not being a parent.  I know that sounds a little selfish, but I needed it and am so grateful for it. 

When Andrew got home he decided he wanted a shower too.  So while he showered I put the last few things in the hospital bag and finished getting ready.  Before we left out the door I asked Andrew if he would give me a blessing.  I don’t really remember what he said, but I do remember a feeling of peace that came over me.  I am so grateful for a husband that holds the priesthood and is worthy to give blessings. 

After that we were out the door!  On our way to the hospital I decided that I really needed to stop and get some fooooood.  I know once you get in the hospital you can’t eat…and we all know how ANGRY I get when I don’t have a full belly. Muhahaha. What was my food of choice you may be wondering?  Jimmy Johns!  Nom Nom.  Shalie met us there and we enjoyed our “final supper” childless.  Shalie thought it was sooo funny that we were taking our sweet time getting to the hospital and kept saying how funny it was.  Meanwhile, I just kept gushing out fluids over everything… I should have put a pad on but I didn’t have one and didn't know I needed one.

On the way up to the hospital I had to call my favorite missionary marmee and tell her the news. I was lucky enough to have her answer the phone.  Even though it was just a second long conversation I had to share the moment with her.  Hehehe.

We finally made it up to the hospital at one and got all checked in.  They took me into a room and checked to make sure my water really broke.  Obviously it had.  So after awhile they wheeled me over to the room I would deliver in.  That is when the waiting game started.  I was having no contractions so they started me on a pitocin drip.  By this time my Mom and Maggie had made it up too and joined the waiting game.  It took me FOREVER to start having contractions, like it was literally past ten at night. So I told my Mom, Shay, and Maggie to go home and get some sleep and I would call them when I was dilated to like a 7. 

 Checking in

Just upon arrival

Anyway, a couple more hours passed by and I started to feel some serious contractions.  BUT they were not showing up on the monitor so I was getting super frustrated and was thinking I was such a wimp!  Andrew had left to get some food so I was all alone trying to breathe through the pain.  I finally text him and told him to hurry back.  A lot of good it did, he snoozed the second he got in the room! Hahaha.  I endured the contractions as long as wanted and  decided to call the nurse in and ask for my epidural. They checked me and I was dilated to almost a four.  The anesthesiologist came in and I was terrified to have him stick that big old needle up my back.  My whole body started shaking. I held on to the nurse’s and Andrew’s hands and in those shots went.  Piece of cake.  It seriously felt like a tiny pinch compared to the contractions I was feeling.  Epidurals are HEAVEN sent.  My contractions were still not showing up on the monitor at this point so the doc decided to hook up the monitors vaginally (gross word) and monitor them that way.

At around 5:00 my body started feeling really weird and I became super shaky.  I knew something was going on.  I called the nurse in and told her how I was feeling.  She got doctor and he told me he was concerned because I was not having contractions.  He decided to check me and I was at a 10… totally complete! He could not believe it because I went from a 4 to a 10 in an hour!  The stupid monitors never picked up any of my contractions for some reason. 

I totally started to panic because none of my family was there and I was so scared they were not going to make it!  I had Andrew hurry and call everyone.  I was freaking out! It is such a crazy feeling to know that any second you are going to meet the little baby that is growing inside you.  I can’t explain it.  I was also terrified to start pushing…  I just did not know what to expect. My fam made it over in about 20 minutes, and the doctor about 10 minutes after that.  I was literally having urges to push but wanted to hold out for Shelley to make it.  She was coming from Ogden so we did not know if I could wait.  Right when the doctor said I needed to start to push Shelley made it!  I was so glad! 

I had my family chant “Bambroughs” a few times (inside joke)…. They were amazing cheerleaders! Haha.  I was making jokes to deal my nerves.  Three pushes later my little angel was here. They put her on my chest and I just remember thinking how dang cute she was!  I started bawling. The love that I felt for her was SOOO strong and amazing there is literally no way to explain it.  I was so grateful for my little family.  Seeing Andrew’s face when he saw her is also a memory I never want to forget.  Seriously, the happiest I have ever seen him.



 First time meeting my baby... how could I not be crying?

My family.  Love.

Navi didn’t really cry at all so I was freaking out a bit, but they said she was pink as could be so it was just fine she wasn’t crying.  As she was laying on my chest she was staring straight in my eyes for probably five minutes.  It was my favorite part of the day.  I knew in that moment that she knew me and I was familiar to her.  I get teary every time I think about it.  I never want to forget that feeling.  She seriously is my little bright eyes.   I love her so much.  Then her LONG tongue could not stay in her mouth and she was licking around looking for food.  Everyone was laughing so hard at it and she still does it today.  They then took her stats and she weighed 5 lbs 12 oz, 20 inches long, and was born at 6:10.

Starring at Mamma.
Don't mind my millions of chins.  Labor is not pretty.

 Her birth was an amazing experience that I never want to forget.  It is such a spiritual special moment that makes you realize what this life is all about. I am so grateful for my little sweetie.

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